Over the next few months, I’ll be conducting a research project on substance use and mental health outcomes, because I’m very interested in the impact that mind-altering substances can have on the way we think and relate to the world.

Research Project Overview

For my research, I’ll be using the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions dataset (NESARC). My primary research question will be “Is cannabis use associated with antisocial personality disorder?” Based on my preliminaary research (below), I hypothesize that cannabis use is associated with increased antisocial personality disorder, especially in women. My secondary research question will be “Is hallucinogen use associated with antisocial personality disorder?”

To answer these questions, I’ll be constructing my own codebook based on the NESARC codebook. My codebook will include:

Literature Review

I did a quick Google Scholar search into “cannabis use and mental health” and “cannabis use and antisocial behaviors.”